Equivalent Part Numbers: CITROËN 0831.K2; CITROËN 0831K2; PEUGEOT 0831.93; PEUGEOT 0831.T6; PEUGEOT 083193; PEUGEOT 0831T6
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We do not take any responsibility for the completeness and correctness of this information as many cars have multiple variations. Please supply your vehicle details on checkout so we can check the part is correct before dispatch. E & OE
Legal Disclaimer
We do not take any responsibility for the completeness and correctness of this information as many cars have multiple variations. Please supply your vehicle details on checkout so we can check the part is correct before dispatch. E & OE
- Driven Units: Driven unit: camshaft
- Part number of the recommended special tools: GAT4825
- This product is covered by a full OE Quality Warranty