Elring 390.030 Seal, coolant tube

  • Sale
  • Regular price £7.33

Equivalent Part Numbers:RENAULT TRUCKS 74 01 547 254; VOLVO 1 547 254

  • For decades, Wahler has focused on the temperature and exhaust gas management for internal combustion engines. The Wahler brand stands for premium quality. Wahler-made parts are of the same quality as the original issue used by automakers.
  • Gaskets are used in many areas of vehicle manufacture, primarily to improve the effectiveness of seals between metal.
  • Vehicle compatibility information is provided as a guide only. This listing has been made as accurate as possible using the latest information provided by Bosch Diagnostics. There may be on occasions more than one compatible part for your vehicle. If you are unsure please contact us with your vehicle registration and we will confirm the correct part required.