Additional product data:
Technical Information Number: SI 0109-11
Equivalent Part Numbers: FIAT 55221037; FIAT 73501167; FORD 1539104; FORD 1722060; FORD 9S51-2A451-BA; FORD BS51-2A451-AA; LANCIA 55221037; LANCIA 73501167; OPEL 1206026; OPEL 1206029; OPEL 1206572; OPEL 55221037; OPEL 55268136; OPEL 93178178; SUZUKI 18130-84E50; SUZUKI 18130-84E51; VAUXHALL 1206026; VAUXHALL 1206029; VAUXHALL 1206572; VAUXHALL 55221037; VAUXHALL 55268136; VAUXHALL 93178178
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We do not take any responsibility for the completeness and correctness of this information as many cars have multiple variations. Please supply your vehicle details on checkout so we can check the part is correct before dispatch. E & OE
Technical Information Number: SI 0109-11
Equivalent Part Numbers: FIAT 55221037; FIAT 73501167; FORD 1539104; FORD 1722060; FORD 9S51-2A451-BA; FORD BS51-2A451-AA; LANCIA 55221037; LANCIA 73501167; OPEL 1206026; OPEL 1206029; OPEL 1206572; OPEL 55221037; OPEL 55268136; OPEL 93178178; SUZUKI 18130-84E50; SUZUKI 18130-84E51; VAUXHALL 1206026; VAUXHALL 1206029; VAUXHALL 1206572; VAUXHALL 55221037; VAUXHALL 55268136; VAUXHALL 93178178
Legal Disclaimer
We do not take any responsibility for the completeness and correctness of this information as many cars have multiple variations. Please supply your vehicle details on checkout so we can check the part is correct before dispatch. E & OE
- This product is covered by a full OE Quality Warranty
- This part matches Original Equipment (OE) quality specifications which means that it is at least as good if not better than the original part the manufacturer supplied the car with.
- If you are not sure this part is correct please message us with Full registration (non uk customers please supply Make, Model, Engine size (eg 2ltr) and date of manufacture) and we will check for you
- When you place your order, if you have not already checked with us, please supply your Full registration (non uk customers please supply Make, Model, Engine size (eg 2ltr) and date of manufacture) so we can make sure the part is correct before dispatch